Positively Morning
Light brightens
But the air is cold
And we meet
The first time I saw you
(2 pigtails, a smile on rosey cheeks, so warm)
‘What’s your name?’
Knowing it was so much
So very much to ask
Of you
I didn’t know why
Rain falls
But I feel lighter than air
And you’re ahead of me
Up the steps and through a door
(Clouds, not stairs; A pause at the portal)
‘Wait for me!’
Knowing I cannot move
I can’t … yet …
It’s too much
Too much to bare
Laughter shines
And we fly together!
You and I showing
High and low going
(Your planes, my skates: blended and merged)
‘This is Heaven’
Knowing you know me
But it’s slipping away
So soon
Did we love and trust too soon?
Love in motion
Flipping the slipping
Words with 4 friends
I believe! it begins
(Not fearing an end, moving on again)
‘We’ve always been’