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0. The layout of specific lists / groups of poetry are heavily inspired by my Tarot disciplines, among other tools. This has and continues to evolve over time, and so, each 'map' has a slightly different 'key'. However, there are enough universal truths revealed by patterns in things like Tarot cards that really, any of my mapkeys may be used -- with mixed success depending on the Reader -- for any of my maps.

For example, the following was (and sometimes is) a key used for Map 1 (the one beginning with "Crawling Out").  NOTE that the number 0 is NOT used for each list (one could consider the name of an entire Map to be for '0', though), as in, there are 10 poems in each list, and so the numbers 1 thru 10 should be referenced (at least until one feels greater understanding of how this keying functions here).  Also, this example goes to 13, which is intended to aid in the overall interpretation if a Reader is at least passingly familiar with the Major Arcana in most Tarot decks.


We’re zero.

I’m one,

Two together,

Three indeed,

Four always,

Five to bind.

Six to mix.

Seven’s never

Eight’s miss.

Nine divine

Ten and then...

Eleven again?

Twelve forever.

Lucky 13!

.-+*FLIP IT*+-.

13 curses

12 dozens

11 ones

10 powers

9 innings

8 numbers

7 clovers

6 dances

5 rings

4 squares

3 crowds

2 perfects

1 wonders

0 …

(is that even a thing?)

Also, note that myn own overall deepening appreciation for Tarot, Chakras, Energy Cleansing and Balancing, Massage Therapy, Bodily Martial Arts and many other disciplines -- especially in the ways they are similar -- can be found within several of my writings.  As this is constantly evolving, delineating a set Key for every time that happens is a task that would most likely be so incredibly burdensome on one's time as to be largely irrelevant.  So again, one can use the Keys that *are* defined herein for help, but I do highly recommend not pondering that overmuch.

So there you go!  If a text speaks to you, then, as I hope they start saying in the U.K. etc. instead: "Roberta's your Uncle" (or "Viola!" which is Frenglish for "So there you go!")

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